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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!



Published in Blog on May 02, 2024 by Becky Wolfe

The word is spreading fast at the Oklahoma Capitol about SB 426! 

Grassroots patriots are growing in number working together to get the word out about this bill.  Who are these Oklahoman's speaking up? They are WHO Fighters, the Constitutional Home Educators Alliance, Homeschool Oklahoma, OK2A, Freedom Brigades, OKHPR, Moms for Liberty, the Ecclesia and Convention of States Oklahoma.

What sparked the movement? The bill started with a small group of nurses who wanted to take a stand for medical freedom in Oklahoma. In their investigations, they found the dangers of the UN, WHO, and WEF. They also found other states starting to wake up and stand up against the tyranny of global governance. Being energized by what they saw happening elsewhere, these nurses found representatives who would champion our state and its freedoms. The bill passed the House 72-21. It's been on fire ever since!

Where is it NOW?.......Sitting in review with Senate leadership. They have the authority to decide if it will go to the floor or die. The deadline is looming. A lot of business has to take place before the legislature closes down on May 30. We don't want to see this bill get lost in a bottleneck of business. We the People need your help!

Would you use the link to TAKE ACTION, and then share it with everyone you know? There are many stories of medical tyranny that happened during COVID. Let's do what we can to protect Oklahoma from the clutches of world organizations.


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Convention of states action

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