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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


A Day in the Life of A COS Volunteer.

Published in Blog on July 05, 2023 by John Graboski

The main way we ask our Colorado communities and residents to contribute is through grassroots participation. Convention of States only happens when We the People take personal responsibility for our nation, get our hands in the clay and shape the nation we want for our children and grand-children.

John Graboski, our Colorado Legislative Liaison State Leader, gives us a virtual tour of what it's like to physically show up and turn COS words into COS actions. We get this done through education. As much as we try, the majority of Coloradans don't know that we exist because we don't have a massive media machine that propels our message forward. We will propel our own message precisely and patiently, every season of the year and Colorado will get the message. We believe that when Colorado knows about us, the masses of them will support us by signing our petition, writing their state legislators and volunteering. Read John's day in the life of a Convention of States Volunteer!

- Vivian Garcia, State Communications Coordinator for Colorado

The Red, White & You Festival, July 3rd at Clement Park in Littleton - this community event was attended by tens of thousands of people (80K estimated by one Security Guard). YOUNG PEOPLE came up to talk with us. Nice, polite, intelligent, apparently well-educated young people came up to find out what we were about. They included seniors in high school, college kids, young adults in their late twenties, and young mom and dads in their thirties. Very refreshing and encouraging!

We got there just before 4:00 pm to set up. It took two trips to get the stuff from the vehicle to the tent site, but a short walk. THANK GOD new Volunteer Karl Morrison showed up to help us to set up. Fortunately, the front of our tent site faced East, which spared us the glare from the setting sun in the West, an item to note for future events. A really nice guy named Rob, and lovely lady name Diane, from the tent behind us,  jumped in to help us to set up the tent. Much appreciated!

Clement Park is a very large and well-appointed public park with a grand view of the Front Range. The place was attended by mostly families just having a good Fourth of July Time. Several of the other exhibitors stopped over at our tent during set-up to see what we were about. We got at least two petition signers from that group. 

The event started at 5:00 pm and we saw pretty good traffic for the next three hours. Karl observed for awhile and then kicked in by engaging visitors. He did fine!

New State Content Writer from Denver, (all state COS positions are volunteer positions) Yvette Kimmel, showed up with her two sons. Her older son had just completed eight years in the Army, including a tour in Afghanistan.  Bless Him. 

My favorite moment of this delightful event was with nine year old Bernadette. She and her ten year old brother were staring at the "Dinosaur" poster (the new Term Limits poster that displays the dinosaur U.S. Congress members), and nodding their heads. I asked them if they knew who those people were in the photos. Bernadette answered:

"Yes, those are the people who have been in Congress way too long, and who are spending way too much money, and have forgotten why they were sent there in the first place." Nine years old.

Her brother nodded and said "Yep."

 "Are your parents with you here this evening?"


"Here, give them these two cards and ask them to stop by. And God Bless You."

Unfortunately, Mom and Dad did not come back that evening, but no matter. We saw at least a bit of our future in those two wonderful children. 

We were joined by Regional Captain Tim Schneider and his wife Carrie, as well as District Captain/Legislative Liaison Team AND Veterans Coalition Team Member Frank Vaughn. This made a nice showing of COS T Shirts at the tent. 

At about 8:15 pm, the crowd began to swell for the fireworks set for 9:30 pm but thunder storms were threatening.  So we broke down the tent & display in about 20 minutes and got it all to the vehicle as the rain started to come down. It was not too heavy or lasting, so the fireworks went on as scheduled at 9:00 pm. 

Many thanks to:
Mark Farmer for organizing this event; very well done. 
New Volunteer State Information Analyst Team Member Karl Morrison for showing up to provide much needed help in setting up & breaking down the tent display.
Yvette Kimmel for bringing the "Security Detail"! We're always honored to meet Veterans and family.
Tim and Carrie Schneider and Frank Vaughn for taking time to attend and put the effort into a great event!




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