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Convention of States!


Convention of States – A Non-partisan Approach

Published in Blog FAQ on March 20, 2023 by Erik Van Geel

At Convention of States, our intent is to call a Convention of States to amend our Constitution to (1) impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, (2) limit its power and jurisdiction, and (3) impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

There are many voices who are trying to attribute this effort to a specific corner of the political spectrum, but when objectively looking at the above-proposed amendments, there really is nothing partisan (or conspiratorial, even) about it.

Even more, our founding fathers understood that our federal government’s powers could very well spiral out of control, simply due to human nature’s thirst for power, and this was the exact reason why the option to call for a Convention of States was included in Article V of our Constitution. Not by any red or blue group, but by the people of the United States.

For this reason, the Convention of States organization is non-partisan. We don’t support or endorse any political parties or candidates. Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States, explains that the states should have the power to decide for themselves when it comes to issues that directly affect the states and the people in the states.

Take the proposed amendment with regard to term limits, for example. We know that multiple politicians on both sides of the aisle have been in power for decades. Meckler says, “The longer people are in the federal government, the more they like the federal government to have power.”

This is a problem across the political spectrum.

To be and stay non-partisan, we need to keep our eyes on the prize that our framers had in mind: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all our citizens. We must “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3) This means that in the grand picture, the end goal may not be exactly what I want it to be and more importantly: we must give the states the ability to be the states; sovereign, unique, and maybe not conforming to what I would want them to be.

Being non-partisan does not mean that we cannot call out the many errors and overreaches of our federal government, no matter who is in charge. Currently, Washington D.C. is mostly controlled by a blue majority. This not only means the blue side of the aisle has more opportunities to lead us away from our founders’ vision (which they frequently do), they also  have bigger targets on their backs.

We also cannot deny that the blue side of the aisle currently has a very vocal faction that is so far to the left, that it actually loves government power and control over many life issues that should simply be left to the states. However, as long as we focus on our core mission and the three amendments proposed, we will be able to find plenty examples on both sides of the aisle to prove our point that the powers of our federal government must be restrained and returned to the states. Don’t forget who gave us the Patriot Act and the vaccine that is not a vaccine.

If you agree to our non-partison grassroots effort, please join us and sign this petition to your legislators!

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